We All Have the Ability To Get Six Pack Abs

Why Don't More People Have 6 Pack Abs?

Why is it that 6 pack abs are so prevalent in magazines and movies, but not so common in the real world. Remember Brad Pitt in Fight Club, or Daniel Craig in "James Bond"? What about Jessica Alba in "Into the Blue". Do movie stars have a different physiology than normal folks? Of course not! I think the main reason that people don't have 6 pack abs is that they don't believe it is possible or realistic for them. Believe me, you can get amazing abs with the proper approach. Yes, just as good as Will Smith in "I Am Legend".

Lifting a Large Amount of Weight is Not As Impressive as Toned Abs

Don't be too impressed with the guy who can squat 500+ pounds or the guy who can bench 315 for reps. Seriously, this is much more common than a person with a ripped midsection. There are more people who can run for 1 hour straight than have six pack abs. Can you dunk a basketball? I put that in the same "rare air" as having incredible washboard abs. If you have been working out for a year or so and don't have 6 pack abs, then you aren't spending your time properly in the gym.

Your Entire Body Will Get Toned on Your Path to Getting 6 Pack Abs

Want to be guaranteed that your entire body will be defined? Then focus on getting six pack abs. Seriously, if you get to the point where you have a defined midsection then your entire body will look great. Have you ever seen a woman with a defined midsection with flabby arms. It won't happen! Your abdominal region is kind of the barometer of how fit you are.

Getting a Washboard Stomach is Mainly About Diet and Cardio

You don't get great abs from crunches and sit ups. I haven't done any type of crunching movement in over 5 years and my abs look phenomenal. Ab exercises certainly will help your abs look a tiny bit better, but focus your time on the thing that gives you the best results. I would say 90% of great abs is from diet and cardio. I wouldn't even bother doing crunches if your body fat is high, spend that extra 15 minutes and add that to your cardio workout.

Ab Exercises Probably Account for Only 10% of the Results

Some people will freak out if they don't do at least some for of crunching movement. If that is the case then do 3-4 sets, don't just spend too much time here. Spend the majority of your time burning body fat with cardio. I prefer running, since it forces your core to stabilize your body while you do it. Your abs have to tighten to transfer force from your legs to your upper body. This is especially true with interval training, which involves sprinting.

Summary: Most people just need to increase the amount of calories burned through cardio and decrease the amount of food consumed. I know this solution seems way too simple, but it is the truth!

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